Change the Game!

Gertrude Lwanga and Teresa Owino successfully completed a course in Resource Mobilization and Local Fund Raising. This has led to several new impulses and initiatives.


Resource mobilisation
The vegetable project pilot has been expanded to 30 households from MTAA’s network. All vegetables are sold at a regular time at the office of MTAA; 40% of the proceeds are remitted, 60% are for the owner.The ambition is to make this trade large so that MTAA gains more income and becomes more independent of donations.

Local fundraising
To raise local funds, the local government must become motivated to address issues such as HIV prevalence, teenage pregnancy and drug addiction. Therefore, two groups of officials in Mumias East Sub-County were invited for a three-days sensitization workshop.
After this workshop they made an action plan to sensitize community members on the same knowledge they gained, starting with adolescents and young people. So far four Assistant chiefs – from sublocations Maraba, Isongo, Khaunga and Mahola – have mobilized resources and engaged MTAA to sensitize adolescents and young people. Their report can be read here

Topics covered during the workshops included teenage pregnancy, HIV, gender-based violence, security, drugs and substance abuse. During the two weeks school holidays we have reached out to 400 adolescents and young people with messages about positive Social Behavior Change. We wish to reach as many young people as possible with Social Behavior Change sensitization and welcome any kind of support.

Gertrude and Teresa’s course was taught by the Kenyan Community Development Foundation (KCDF), partner organization of Wild Geese.

Officials are shown around the MTAA-site

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