First step towards MTAA-centre

At the buildingsite-to-be men recently have digged a waterwell, for without water any building will be impossible. In the meantime the design of the office has been altered to a lower budget (€32.000). The contractor is all ready for action…

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World Aids Day

MTAA has been present very visibly at the World AIDS Day on 1 december in Kakamega. From their own marketstand MTAA workers were active with publicity, demonstrations and counseling.

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Amsterdam Marathon: 2245 euro

The 2018 Amsterdam Marathon has been a huge success. Sunny weather and not too warm, so running times overall were even better than last year. Our runners outdid themselves while running for MTAA. The youngest even participated in the half distance marathon. Their efforts yielded a considerable sum: € 2245.We…

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Soroptimists support MTAA

Soroptimist International is a global volunteer movement working together to transform the lives of women and girls. In the Netherlands the Soroptimistclub Zwolle has recently donated thousand euros to MTAA.

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Soroptimistclub Zwolle steunt MTAA

Wereldwijd zet Soroptimist International zich in voor de bevordering van mensenrechten en de positieverbetering van vrouwen en meisjes. In lijn hiermee heeft de club Zwolle van de Unie van Soroptimistclubs onlangs besloten om MTAA met duizend euro financieel te ondersteunen.

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New donation

We are very happy the German donor Grace Impact has decided to support MTAA. This organisation supports philanthropic projects and organizations and invests in social impact companies in Africa, Europe and North America.

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