In juni volgden 65 HIV-adolescenten en hun ouders of verzorgers een meerdaagse workshop bij MTAA. Covid-19 zorgt voor extra spanningen in deze gezinnen.
On february 17 the new office has been inaugurated with festivities. Board members of MTAA Kenya en MTAA Nederland, important government officials and MTAA-members all participated.
In three weeks time our action Fancy buying a brick for the future MTAA office has resulted in fifty new bricks already! As the photograph shows the building-to-be is reddening slowly but surely.
To facilitate an office for MTAA Kenya we need an amount of 33.000 euro; Wilde Ganzen (Wild Geese) has promised a supplement of 10.500 euro once we have accomplished 22.500 euro. Fancy buying a brick for this really good cause?